
I'm sorry..
But I am too lazy..
Just enjoy the pictures..

The Penguin was supposed to be the main but ended up me looking larger in the picture..

"These two good-looking stuff are highly recommended"

Give Me 5..
Pool playing place..
Russel trying to hide behind his phone but he didn't know his phone size..
The almost-bored-to-death Ezrin
Kel acting cool
Stinky shoes.. =S
"I'm gonna win this.."
Eric was thinking whether he should fuck this guy's ass.. =P
Kel and Tan
Vin and Kel
Camwhore GAYS
Louis and Tan (Convict-look)
Sohai with the convict-look
"The Couple"
Shy Shy Ezrin
Milo tasted Chocolate Milkshake?

I have so many good-looking friends..
Anyone want their numbers?


Is the thing on the screen look familiar to you?
*Evil Laugh*

You must be wondering what C.C.C. stands for right?
Let me tell you..
It stands for..

Curtin Cyber Cafe

That's what it means..
It is a newly opened "cyber cafe" in Miri..
Actually it is not that new..
It was there for a long time already..
It just that I didn't have the chance to take pictures.. Haha..
But.. Today..
I managed to snap a few shots and decided to blog this out..

We had a huge gap after our Chemistry Lab session today..
We ate our lunch at the cafeteria..
Vin and I had Prawn Noodle..
It was delicious for a RM 4.90 noodle..
Done stuffing ourselves with the noodle and we had nothing to do..


We decided to go to the computer lab..
I logged into my account..
And it asked if I wanted to change my password or not..
I clicked 'No' cause I still have 12 days till it expires..
Say really..
I still don't get why they want us to change the password..

They started to play CS..
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.. ^_^

The 'endao' and good-looking Levin!!!
The newbie Gary?!
The two sick men
Minesh and Jonathan!!!
The confused Lawrence!!!
Serious-looking Kiat and Leonard!!!

They had so much fun..
I wanted to join them..
I scared that they will hate me cause I'm very pro..
I can't play FPS games..
Cause I will feel dizzy if I play..

I think that it's a good idea that Curtin 'provide' us with games..
Because we can relax between classes and have some fun..
Reducing our "stress"..

We had an ECS tutorial at 1400..
Remember the Impromptu Speech?
It was today..
My topic was about littering..
Lucky lor..
Quite an easy 1..
Thanks to Qiang and Leonard cause they gave me some ideas..

Somehow we 'accidentally' skipped C++ lecture..
We went to Lawrence's house..
Took some anime from him..


I must say that he has a lot of animes..
Almost 1 Terrabyte (OMG!!!) of them..
Just imagine how many animes he has..

I'm going to get a 1 Terra hard disk for myself..
Can store more animes..
Now my hard drive in my desktop is running out of space..
Zzz.. Sienz..

Yesterday someone cut herself when she was washing her dishes..
Her tears rolled down her cheek..
Haha.. Sohai la you..



It finally rained!!!

That felt so good..

Around 1030 the rain started to drip a little..
At 1st we thought that it wouldn't be a big rain..
But then..
It started to pour around 1100..
A very heavy downpour..
We were doing our 'lame' physic experiment..
We were asked to measure the diameter of 'lada putih'..
Of course not the powder..
We would be dead if it was.. =.=
That was not the only 'lame' part..
The 'biji lada putih' is already so small..
But what worse was we needed to measure 50 'biji' of them..
Lucky it was a group work..
Or else..........


It really felt so refreshing..
It was like we finally get to escape from an oven..

This is good cause the KILLER HAZE will finally be deleted..
I hope tomorrow Curtin will be a better place..
Hopefully the clouds are still there to cover us up..

That's all for this post..


Yo Guys..
Just a brief post about what happened today..
Damn lazy..

Today I woke up very early..
Around 0630..
But then slept for another half an hour..
Brushed my teeth and switched on the PC..
Researched few things on the coming Chemistry Lab..
I was the researcher..
Anyway, after I got that done, I opened up PPS and watched..
"Underworld: Rise of the Lycans"
(Woohoo! I finally know how to use it)
It is actually as simple as ABC..

Then around 1245 I drove to Vin's house..
Went to Curtin after that..
Had an ECS tutorial..
Miss Anita gave us some practices for our assessment next week..

Impromptu Speech

This assessment is worth 20% of the course. Students make a 5-minutes speech on a topic given by the lecturer. The speeches will be made in the classroom on 2 different occasions, 4-8 May and 25-29 May. Individual feedback will be given after all the speeches have been made. Students who do not make the impromptu speech without a valid medical certificate or prior official permission will have the allocated marks forfeited.

I hope next week I won't be nervous and hopefully I will get a topic I'm familiar with..

We had a lecture..
ECS again..
Miss Anita told us in the tutorial that she doesn't want to see Group 2E6 coming late into Lecture just like what we did last week..
Just imagine..
The whole 2E6 came in late..
We were like 'sehati sejiwa'..

During the lecture today..



There was this sound..




It was so irritating..

My eardrums were about to explode..
Pity Miss Anita too..
She was sweating and I think she almost lose her voice..
The class was so noisy..
She needed to talk louder..

No C++ lecture..
We were saved..
Went home after that..

Reached home and watched some drama downstairs..
Left my phone upstairs..
Didn't hear Kel's calls..
Cause while I was watching the drama, I fell asleep..
Woke up at 1920..
It was so late..
Bathed and did my chores..
Then.. Nothing else..

This did not turn out to be a brief post..
Crapped too much..


It has been a while since I updated my blog..
The only reason was..

Nothing much happened these few days..
Just that things are heating up..
All because of the haze..

I think..
This haze is one of the worst disaster that happened in Miri..
After the so called 'predicted' Tsunami..
Which did not happen..
Lolx.. =.="

Anyway.. The haze is really a bullshit..
The weather become so hot..
Most people rather stay indoor than outdoor..
Here are some pictures I took from my house's balcony..

Hazy qing
You will smell like BBQ if you are to expose yourself in this haze.
Nice houses BTW ^_^

Not sure whether you can see the haze or not..
But it's there..

Study is getting more hectic..
More assignments..
Oh well..
What can I do?
Just bear with it lor..

Sent a message to someone just now..
Didn't get her reply..
Sleep already I think..
Sleep tight and have a sweetdream..

Fuck you Kel..
I must say that I'm so jealous..
Fuck you again.. ==